Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Women in Art

Teaching a course in Literature and Arts next term and this is as much research as I've done so far for that (or rather, one that Sou did for me:) Thanks)


Amethyst said...

Oh, I've seen that one!

The book for that course is amazing. I love it!

Sou said...

I'll find a way to attend your class; intruding is probably what I'll do. I need to approve your newly recruited minions, you know.

Disturbed Stranger said...

So what exactly did you do? :)

Hanan said...

amethyst. The book isn't bad if not for those ugly white stickers covering most of the paintings.

sou. You're more than welcome. But I warn you. There SHALL be classical music played there.

dear stranger. How many times have you told you this? Those who can't, ... :)

Disturbed Stranger said...

"you told you"? :)

Disturbed Stranger said...
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White Wings said...

you are going to have so much fun with this course...no doubt
come back soon