Friday, March 21, 2008


What do you do when you're too angry to do anything?


Shopa said...

well I sleep or I drive around the highway speeding up like a maniac

Pearls said...

take a shower

مبتدئ said...


It works.

Amethyst said...

Cry. Shower. Drive.

In that order.

AnGeL said...

SCREAM OUT LOUD and breaking something always helps and then run and take a shower ;)

Alia said...

have you tried hitting Ahmad?

angry .. I hate that feeling
u think chocolate bar can help? :))

hammoodee said...

at home: sleep/stay in bed.

out: count to ten, breath, freeze.

Jewaira said...

Why, write down all that you feel and get it off your chest.

It's better than going on and on about it mentally until you can't take it anymore

Shurouq said...

Why are you angry, wacky wild beautiful lady who lives upstairs?

Hanan said...

Thank you people. Shower and a drive is do-able when I'm not too angry to do anything. Unfortunately my anger leads to unnecessary retaliation at time. (mubtada2. I wish I can be a pacifist at times. But my anger takes a stronger hold)
Alia. Chocobar helped of course.
Jewaira. I try. But find that steaming off always reminds me more of my anger, feeding it rather than soothing it.
Shurouq. I think it all boils down to living in Kuwait.

3abeer said...

punch of pinch something ... notice I said something not someone.. unless ..!

either way .. you will feel a tiny bit better ;)

White Wings said...

do something seriously outrageous to piss off those who pissed you know what i'm saying? :)
stay cool

Anonymous said...

I use to do a lot of things to strip away the ugliness of anger and anxiety, but now I just take a walk to the ocean :D

الشق عود said...

لمتابعة آخر اخبار وأحداث الدائرة الثانية دون تحيز وبكل شفافية
تابعونا على

F. said...

Sit back and be angry...

I believe it's healthy to do that every once in a while.

AyyA said...

take few breaths and sing
every little thing is going to be alright
missed u girl

Beautiful said...

i throw away clutter and old clothing, i shop ,and i bake when im angry.