Now Perfume. A brilliantly grotesque movie that told me you need to kill 13 beautiful women to get people to worship you and eventually devour you. All it takes is a sense of smell equal to a hound dog.
Quite disturbing. You gotta watch it.
But then if you want to be publicly disturbed, I would suggest Disturbia. Not half as good. But worth a watch if you feel like braving the crowds and going to our noisy malls. A movie about a 'disturbed' man being watched by a voyeuristic teenage neighbour.
With the semester coming to an end, I'm dreading the lengthy summer. Spoiled by teaching every other day, the summer daily teaching load is always a hassle. But after 7 weeks of daily torture the vacation arrives (and with it, another kind of torture).
How are you enjoying the dust this weekend?
You should also watch the more recent films I have recommended.
بورغ شعرفه؟؟
purg. I will. That will take another 4 months :)
alia. Madry I thought I'd listen to the purgatory voice of film wisdon. And guess what? It's an informed voice.
Alia, when it comes to movies, I am well informed and selective.
And speaking of the other movie, I doubt it would be as good as the original movie, Rear Window,
link, for those who want to know more.
حااااااضر يا حنان
تبين بيكان باي؟؟
w safastekated ba3ad
alia. Oh not. Not the pie. 5ala9 I take back my na7eesa comment in your blog. :)
your kidding right :P .. did you skip through the orgy scene? or the part where he where he takes a sniff and can detect objects miles away .. I am all for sci fi and freaky deeky stuff .. but that was just unnecessary :P
my two cents
do we not have enough disturbing performances of our own that you go and dig for them in movies? :)
they sound very interesting
Disturbia? hmmm...relates to my name :) I watched. I liked.
'perfume' movie...'stunk' :P
interesting :p
bs a7la shay the Disturbia part cos Shia LaBeouf is in it :p
check my blog lol
The orgy scene was so Spencer Tunick and uncalled for I agree.
It's a Purgatory recommendation?!
No wonder it gave me nightmares!
Thank you.
zorath. movie's messed up. i like messed up.
white wings. I didn't dig. Purg suggested. I followed his suggestions.
disturbed stranger. It's called perfume. How can it stink?
swair. Hey girl. How are you?
shuroq. And what's wrong with nightmares?
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