Saturday, April 02, 2005

Wine and the City

What is it in a city that gives it its special charm. I've been in Orlando for about 8 months, and only today, I ventured into its downtown. I have to say I am impressed. It's a small area, a few streets intersecting each other, coffee shops and nightclubs scattered all around, with a few galleries, a library and some other little shops. Nothing especially alluring I'm sure. This is not New York. This is not Paris. It's downtown Orlando. Yet unlike downtown Kuwait, there's a certain feeling that touches you when you're strolling down those streets just before the clubs are officially open. It's a weekend, but not late enough yet for the streets to be crowded with club hoppers. With a stomach fully satisfied after a meal of luscious and delicious pot roast, our walk downtown proved more entertaining than ever. The restaurant itself was quite impressive. Other than its wonderful meal, the ambience was quite something. Again, nothing special. Maybe it's that glass of shiraz wine. Maybe it's the vibes you get from other customers enjoying the beginning of their weekend, a weekend most needed for those with a 9-5 work schedule. Is that we do not attack our weekends in Kuwait with as much vigor? Most of us have pretty relaxing working hours during the week. But then again, what would an employee do in Kuwait to attack his or her weekend? How are we to relax and kick back? Without that most lip smacking glass of wine, can our weekends really be fully appreciated?
 Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Just discovered this site and I think it is wonderful that you have the energy to post thes contemplations at the end of the day, or the beginning, no difference!
This is a comment on our everlasting a-woman-in-kuwait enigma. I contacted poeple from the Journalists Society to object to the poll they were trying to start, and thank God it got cancelled. This, I believe, would have hurt the cause so is never the issue of how many poeple want their is a RIGHT..
I miss downtown strolling so much, especially after reading your last entry...I confess I haven't done many of those, nor did I have a REAL downtown in my State, whatever that is, but I know the sensation you are trying to project in your entry..there is a certain smell, a certain feeling...I am not quite sure how to describe it.. are coming home soon, to a downtown that is still a mystery to us...who ever we are:)

Hanan said...

I'm going back home May 27th babe. So I guess I'll see you there before you leave.

Don't blame msn. It's a lifesaver :P

And hey. You'd better save some travelling energy for later in the summer. Italy or Spain or whatever. Ok why am I telling you this on my blog? Oh well...